Due to a worst-case-crash we had a huge meeting with Murphy and lost
all NSR-index-files on our Networker-Archive-Server.
Because this Server was configured as a "Archive-Only"-Server all
bootstrap information wasn't saved (which means ALL information
in /nsr/index/* is lost). This is due to the fact you cannot save bootstraps
on Archive-tapes and the server had neither Backup-tapes nor any
Backup-schedules. Not to mention our Archive-Server is backed up by another
Networker-Server, but the **cking ".nsr"-directive in /nsr/index/* prevented
it to save the indexes at least from there.
So all index- and mminfo-information for 10 DLT III and 5 DLT IV archive tapes
were lost.
So I had to do it the hard way and "scanner" all the tapes, which really took
* days *. And guess what happens: Now all annotations are gone. We lost the
only way to identify our archive-files. Not to mention our archives are almost
2.5 years old.
now my questions:
Is there any way to recover archive-annotations from the archive-tapes
themselves ?
Is there any way to reinsert printed out annotations in the database ?
(either legal or the hard way (perl, hexedit, etc))
This is *really* urgent, I going to get shot, if I cannot get the annotations
I'll summarize,
Dipl.Ing. Peter Marquardt/// B.O.F.H. Max-Planck-Institute Molecular Genetics
|| +49-30-8413-1430 /// || --==> Earth-Germany-Berlin-Dahlem <==-- ||
:: fax -1432 \\\/// :: marquardt_p_at_mpimg-berlin-dahlem.mpg.de ::
..================== *The Turtle Moves* ===================================..
Received on Tue Oct 27 1998 - 08:22:49 NZDT