SUMMARY:Password change

From: Zsolt Maj <>
Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:17:49 +0100

Hi Managers,

Thanks to
        Lombardi Emanuelle
        George Guethlein

The solutions for the above subject the followings :

A) Install C2 security kits and use dxaccounts

B) This solution work without C2 installation

1.) Create a bogus file ("1st_login") in their $HOME dir (I built
my own default ".profile" specific to my different user groups,
and my own "adduser" process to automate the addition of
many users at once).
2.) Added code to "/etc/profile" script (ALL of my users use
the ksh) to check for the "1st_login" file at signon.
3.) If the "1st_login" file exists; then a.) delete the "users
"$HOME/1st_login" file; b.) force execution of the "passwd"
command (which will cause a logout when done).

Thanks again

Received on Wed Oct 28 1998 - 14:48:28 NZDT

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