SUMMARY: mounting Alpha disk on an SGI

From: San Martin, Carmen <>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 09:51:46 -0500 (EST)

  Thanks to all who gave hints on this problem. This is what I was


     Make sure your mountd daemon is running with the -n option - this
     permits non-root mounts on NFS-served disks.
     If you used the GUI to setup NFS serving then you should have seen
     the box to check to allow non-root mounts. Look in your rc.config
     for the entry for mountd - you may also see if this is in there:
        export NONROOTMOUNTS


  And the original question:

  I am trying to mount adisk from my Alpha workstation (OSF/1 4.0d) in an
SGI (IRIX 6.2) by NFS. Unless I give it root access from the SGI host, I
keep getting an I/O error. This happens even if the disk does not belong
to root, but a user. Is that something normal, or am I (most probably)
missing something?

Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 14:55:04 NZDT

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