SUMMARY: auto-reply in mail

From: system PRIVILEGED account- John F. Marten <>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 09:55:20 -0800

many thanx! to all who replied (too many to name individualy)

consensus seems to be: use /usr/bin/vacation -or- get procmail.
again thanx!

on an unrelated note i was chastised for posting from my root account. sorry
thats where i get my alpha-osf-managers mail so thats where i reply from. i will
try to use my other account to post in the future. and i got slapped for my
messages being 'mime'ized. can't help that either, i use Mailer V.1.0 and it
does it's own thing.

all the best, jm
Received on Wed Nov 04 1998 - 18:16:27 NZDT

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