[SUMMARY]Problem adding X terminal and problem with pop bulletins

From: Larry Griffith <larry_at_cs.wsc.ma.edu>
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 15:13:04 -0500

Dear Managers,

        The X terminal part of the problem remains open, but the pop bulletins
problem is solved thanks to

Jerome M. Berkman <jerry_at_uclink.berkeley.edu>

        It turns out to be a blank space in the wrong place:

First, I assume there is no ">" on the first line in the bulletin,
so the actual line is:

>From root_at_cs.wsc.ma.edu Mon Nov 9 12:49:00 1998

I would change the spacing to:

>From root_at_cs.wsc.ma.edu Mon Nov 9 12:49:00 1998

We once had a problem with a mail agent when we did not have two
spaces before the day of the month when it was one digit.
And who knows if a second space before Mon is legal.

Original post with clarification:

Dear Managers,

     John Meaker (kr4ah_at_autosoft.com) pointed out that in my original
posting, the bulletin's From line had a > prepended. This > is NOT in
the original bulletin. As John guessed, it was placed there by my
mailer as otherwise my original post looks like it is 2 valid messages
concatenated together.

Original post:

Dear Managers,

     Two problems:

     i) A student requested that his PC (with a X emulator) be allowed
to connect to our network of DEC 3000/300s as an X server. We run DU
v4.0D PL 2 with C2 security enabled. I've done this in the past many
times, but because of recent changes in our local DNS setup the
student's PC is no longer in the same domain as our 3000s. I tried
adding the student's PC (specifying the full address,
e.g. foo.bar.edu) to the ttys database using edauth. Even with the -v
switch enabled on edauth, no error message appears, but the PC is not
added to the database (or at least edauth doesn't show it when I list
the ttys database afterwards).

        Is it sufficient to just insert the hostname and ignore the
domain? (I can't test this out; my PC is in the same subdomain as my
3000s.) If not, how do I handle the different domain?

     ii) I'm running qpopper v2.53. Last weekend we had a failure of
the campus DNS server, the secondary servers for some reason couldn't
be reached, and pop users couldn't get their mail. After the problem
was fixed Monday morning I wanted to put out a bulletin to POP users
to indicate what the problem was. However, the bulletin is not sent
out and the following error message keeps coming up in the mail.log:

Nov 10 15:37:52 garfield popper[6950]: Bulletin 00001.DNS_failure does not start with a valid "From " separator

     I've stared at the bulletin and as far as I can tell I have a
valid header:

>From root_at_cs.wsc.ma.edu Mon Nov 9 12:49:00 1998
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 12:49:00 -0500 (EST)
From: <root_at_cs.wsc.ma.edu>
Subject: DNS service out

To all UNIX e-mail users,

   The Domain Name Service in the Computer Center failed over the
weekend. This caused pop mail service to fail on UNIX. Rich is
checking why the secondary DNS server did not kick in. Sorry for the


     Any clues as to what is causing the message?


Larry Griffith Dept. of Computer & Info Science
larry_at_cs.wsc.ma.edu Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294 Westfield, MA 01086 USA
PGP public key available at: http://cs.wsc.ma.edu/dcis/griffith.html
Received on Wed Nov 11 1998 - 20:13:58 NZDT

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