SUMMARY: how do I find info on physical disks & internal memory?

From: Lubbers, Louis <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 13:48:48 +0100

How much physical internal memory do I have?

Thank you for providing the answer to these people: Gerhard Nolte
<>, Russel Morison <russel_at_maths.unsw.EDU.AU>, Thomas Leitner
<> and others.

You can find this information in your /var/adm/messages file. It is better
to look at the bottom of this file, in case more memory was installed since
the creating of the file.

cat /var/adm/messages | grep physical

You can also use the system event reporter /usr/sbin/uefr. uefr -R will list
most recent entries first.

uefr -R | grep physical | head -1

How can I find information about my hard disks?

You can look in /var/adm/messages to find basic information about your

cat /var/adm/messages | grep target

Sep 1 18:35:43 host vmunix: rz0 at scsi0 target 0 lun 0 (LID=0) (DEC
RZ26N (C) DEC 0568)
Sep 1 18:35:43 host vmunix: rz1 at scsi0 target 1 lun 0 (LID=1) (DEC
RZ26N (C) DEC 0568)
Sep 1 18:35:43 host vmunix: rz4 at scsi0 target 4 lun 0 (LID=2) (DEC
RRD45 (C) DEC 1645)

Use the command disklabel to find out more information about each disk:

disklabel -r /dev/rz0
disklabel -r /dev/rz1
disklabel -r /dev/rz4

There is also a program called unicensus available from DEC, it makes a
inventory of your system. Finally, the firmware command

all | more

will also show you a lot of info about your system.

Louis Lubbers,
KPMG The Netherlands

Louis Lubbers - Internet specialist
ITIM - Communications
KPMG - The Netherlands
Burgemeester Rijnderslaan 20
1185 MC Amstelveen
phone: +31 (0) 20 656 7775
fax: +31 (0) 20 656 7140

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Received on Thu Nov 12 1998 - 12:50:44 NZDT

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