Problem of crashing server and core files!

From: Vejux Florent <>
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 10:17:50 +0100

Hello all!

        We have an Alpha 1000 server with DU v4.0b. Recently, the system has
crashed 2 times in 1 day (just before the week end and I have restarted
it this morning). But something that I dont understand is that:
- the connection by telnet is always possible,
- the tftp service for Xterminal NCD download too but the connection
with NCD not available!
The root console was down: a gray screen with none possibility to make
anything on it!

I have restart it the first time and then checked for crash file or
something like this but ... NOTHING to find the problem (nothing that I
This morning, I found this:
# pwd
# ls -laF core
-rw------- 1 daemon daemon 135069696 Nov 13 19:08 core

Is it normal? Can I have some information about the crash in it? How
must I do?

Please help me if possible!
Thanks before,

Florent VEJUX
IUT de Dijon
Received on Mon Nov 16 1998 - 09:19:26 NZDT

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