Is there a difference?

From: Scott Johnson <>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 14:53:37 -0500

Hi All,

    Andre summarized his Swap problem (Seen below), and like him I too have
this error. I was told in the past by DEC, that there is nothing to worry
about. Is there a performance difference in the "Lazy Mode" or with the
correct dev in place?


Scott Johnson

> Tanks to everybody, especially to Lars, Blake, Eric, Martin, Bryan, Paul
and Alan ...
> Original message:
> Hello managers,
>Yesterday I saw the following message during the boot:
>Nov 15 13:28:12 iktus vmunix: vm_swap_init: warning /sbin/swapdefault swap
>e not found
>Nov 15 13:28:12 iktus vmunix: vm_swap_init: swap is set to lazy (over
>) mode
>Does anybody know what does it means? The server looks ok, and the swap
partition is there, but I really don't know what this messages is and how
can I solve the problem.
> Solution:
> I have only to make a symbolic link as the following
> # ln -s /dev/rzb0 /sbin/swapdefault
> And the message disappeared ...
> Thanks ...
Received on Tue Nov 17 1998 - 19:54:03 NZDT

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