> We have a problem where inetd will "disappear". We have a script to check
> whether it is running and then re-start it. But that doesn't solve the
> problem of why it stops in the first place. We had this problem with du 4.0a
> and we still have it(though less frequently) with 4.0d(+ patch kit one).
> Anyone have any ideas what's going on?
John Speno(speno_at_isc.upenn.edu)
Are you running out of swap space, and are you using deferred swap
allocation mode? If so, the kernel will kill random processes to make
room for new ones. Maybe that is what is happening.
Check /var/adm/messages for out of swap messages.
If you have 'lazy swap' configured and the system runs out of swap
space for a job, it will kill what it thinks is the most idle job
to release its swap space. Unfortunately it doesnt care whether
its a system job or not. inetd and xdm are often candidates.
Its happens to me from time to time. I must get round to increasing
my swap space.
Terry Horsnell (tsh_at_mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk)
Computer Manager
Medical Research Council
Lab of Molecular Biology
Hills Road
Karen Y. Byrd C511 Richards Bldg.
Systems Manager 3700 Hamilton Wlk.
Univ. of Pa. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6062
School of Medicine Voice: 215/898-6865
Information Services Fax: 215/573-7645
Received on Wed Nov 18 1998 - 11:59:27 NZDT