I have the following questions. We have an ASE/LSM configuration for our
file server. The users had quota defined before the HW upgrade. The /etc/fstab
entry was /psxx_at_psxx2a /home nfs rw,bg,userquota,groupquota 0 0
After the HW upgrade the entry looks like(present entry)
/psxx_at_psxx2a /home nfs rw,bg 0 0
My problem is I can not increase the user quota. Itried different commands
like quotacheck, quota on, vedquota etc. with out any success. I get the
following with vedquota -u user
Quotas for user kumar:
Nothing else. Can I delete user.quota and group.quota entries in /home
file system? Whether this give any problems to users(they donot have any more
quotas probably)
Is it possible to redine quota again ? I must say that I have created few
users after the upgrade.
I will appreciate any help. Please send me the reply in the following
with regards,
Received on Fri Nov 20 1998 - 18:37:39 NZDT