[SUMMARY] How to disable routing for a subnet at boot time?

From: Jerome Limozin <jlimozin_at_clj.co.jp>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1998 09:19:00 +0900

My question :
> Hello managers,
> I have an AlphaServer 4100, DU 3.2g, with 2 ethernet card.
> first ethernet card as ip address (netmask
> second one has IP address (same netmask)
> at boot time, two routes are automatically defined:
> network -> use interface
> network -> use interface
> This is perfectly normal, I think.
> The problem is : I don't want the second route! I don't want to use the
> second card for general routing, I just want to use it to route to
> specific host.
> I can delete the route after boot, with route delete command, but I want
> it to be automatic at boot time. How should I do?

Thanks all,

I finally decided to create a boot script /etc/rc3.d/S12routedelete (a
link to /sbin/init.d/routedelete), which delete the unwanted route at
boot time.

I was suggested to remove the route info from /etc/routes file, but
unfortunately, this route was not mentionned in this file.
I still don't know how and when exactly the routes to my 2 subnets are
defined, but I found a workaround..


     _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
    _/ Jerome Limozin - System administrator _/
   _/ Credit Lyonnais, Japan Branch _/
  _/ Fax : (81) 3 5512 5796 _/
 _/ jlimozin_at_clj.co.jp / jlz_at_iname.com _/
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