Can nn handle news on request.

From: MacDonell, Dennis <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 11:35:38 +1100


Currently we get our news from telstra Australia, who charge some number of
cents for every megabyte they send us. This charge is not restricted to news
feeds but all incomming trafic.

However our current news configuration using nn is it runs on a DEC box in
the firewall and does a trickle feed from telstra, so that we have about
1-2gb of news articles that people can sift through. For network reasons we
can't get users to point to a telstra box for their news.

We have heard of a product called DNEWS which I believe behaves in a similar
fashion to nn but instead of storing all the of each article, just stores
the headers, and when a user asks for an article, it puts in a request to
the telstra machine for the body of the article. DNEWS then caches to body
of the article. In this situation we are up for the cost of DNEWS, but we
save on the amount of news trafic and so reduce the telstra.

Against this there must be some performance degredation from the users point
of view, because most of the time DNEWS will have to put in a request to a
telstra box for the requested article.

So to the questions
(a) can nn handle news on request, if not does anyone know if nn is heading
towards news on request.
(b) does anyone have a feel for the performance degradation from the users
point of view.
(c) is DNEWS the best way to go for news on demand.

Dennis Macdonell |
Systems Administrator |
AUSLIG | "Any idiot can face
em: | a crisis - its this
ph: 02 6201 4326 | day-to-day living
fax: 02 6201 4377 | that wears you out"
Received on Thu Nov 26 1998 - 00:36:37 NZDT

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