Hi Gurus,
Through complete and total stupidity, the /sbin directory on our Alpha
(DU 4.0B)
has been deleted. The machine will now of course not reboot. I have
looked through
several posts, and I am thinking along the following lines:
1. Reboot from the cdrom
1.5 cd dev; ./MAKEDEV rz2 rz3
2. Mount the root partition on /mnt (it is rz3a)
3. Mount a particular disk on /mnt/disk2 (it is rz2c)
The reason for doing number 3 is that there is a copy of the original
/sbin directory on
this second disk.
Then, I would like to copy the directory back with something like
cp -r /mnt/disk2/sbin /mnt/sbin
My questions are:
A) Is this at all a reasonable plan?
B) Can I mount the root partition read and writable in this way? How ?
Of course, to complete the stupidity circle, we don't have a dump of the
partition to restore. We are using UFS file systems.
Any ideas you have would be much appreciated ....
Dr. Edward J. Brash | email: brash_at_lafite.phys.uregina.ca
Department of Physics | tel. : (306) 585-4201 (office)
University of Regina | tel. : (306) 525-9026 (home)
Regina, SK S4S 0A2 | fax. : (306) 585-5659
World Wide Web: http://www.phys.uregina.ca/sparro/brash/
Received on Wed Dec 02 1998 - 07:12:49 NZDT