SUMMARY [partial]: Why does my NIS not work

From: Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TUD, +49 6151 162916 <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 11:10:50 +0100 (CET)

To my Nis problem I got a lot of answers.

I want to thank
Sean O'Connell <sean_at_stat.Duke.EDU>
Serguei Patchkovskii" <> (Kristin (Kris) Larsen)
MacDonell, Dennis <>
Paul Watson <>
Lucio Chiappetti <>
Daniel Clar <>

and in particular Lucio for his rather long explanation. Because of
my lengthy question and the long answers I don't send all details here.
(If someone is interested I can provide the whole discussion

Therefore a short summary:

Configuration: NIS master, slave, several Clients, no enhanced
security, Systems from V4.0A to V4.0D
- login did not recognize with yppasswd changed passwords
- I could not change with yppasswd the passwords from the

The responses, which helped to the solution, pointed out:
- use ypwhich for more details
- a local /etc/passwd file
- manually reconfigure with ypbind
- hints to Digital ducumentation (I don't have any written ones to that)

The situation was such:
- ypbind of the clients pointed to the slave
- I made a shutdown of the master and the clients after NIS setup
  but without the slave (this older alpha is the main system till
  now and main NFS server). This probably explains why ypwhich
  showed the slave at all clients as server
- ypwhich - m
  Showed correctly on all systems (master,slave,clients) the
  master as serving the maps
- the password files have been still the same on all systems in
  /etc/passwd and in /var/yp/src
- in svc.conf is
This explains that after yppasswd still the old password is valid

I changed the binding and edited /etc/passwd leaving root but
taking all user accounts out. Now login is ok on all clients. But I
can change the password with yppasswd not on all clients. (I will
give a follow up to this)

In this sense this is only a preliminary summary because I am still
looking into the problem.


| Dr. Otto Titze, Kernphysik TU, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt |
| Tel: +49(6151)16-2916,FAX:16-4321|
Received on Fri Dec 11 1998 - 10:11:43 NZDT

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