SWXCR on AS1200 revisited

From: Richard Sharpe <sharpe_at_ns.aus.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 22:32:02 +1000


a while ago I asked about SWXCR management.

I have found out the following:

The SWXCRMGR tool for Digital UNIX will not allow you to add a new logical
drive to the configuration. You need to run ra200rcu.exe from the ARC
console to do that.

Now, having done that, I have a problem.

I added a new drive as a JBOD, but Digital UNIX 4.0D will not access the
drive. When DU boots it fails to see the drive in an online state, and I
cannot access it.

Here is some info I think may be relevant to my problem:

1. Firmware release on the SWXCR is 2.42.

2. New drive is wide while the others are narrow.

3. Config in the SWXCR is now:

   Logical drive 1 is a 2 GB JBOD
   Logical drive 2 is a 4 drive RAID-5 set (12GB usable)
   Logical drive 3 is a 4.1 GB JBOD

Can anyone suggest what the problem is?

Here is the swxcr config info:

* StorageWorks(TM) Raid Array 200 Management Utility *
* Version V1.1.1 *
BEGIN Configuration for controller xcr0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>
3 Channel - 7 Target SWXCR in PCI Bus Slot 13 Firmware version 2.42
Drive Group Information :
Number of drive groups = 3
Group A : [0:0]
Group B : [0:1] [0:2] [1:0] [1:1]
Group C : [1:2]
Logical RAID Drive Information :
3 Logical Drives are defined.
Log Drv # Phy. Size RAID Level Eff. Size Write Policy
   0 02007 MB JBOD 02007 MB Write Thru
   1 16364 MB 5 12273 MB Write Thru
   2 04095 MB JBOD 04095 MB Write Thru
Logical Drive 0
   Virtual drives: 1
   Virt. Drv. 0. Spans: 1
     Span 0
      chn tgt start sect length
       0 0 00000000 04110336
Logical Drive 1
   Virtual drives: 4
   Virt. Drv. 0. Spans: 1
     Span 0
      chn tgt start sect length
       0 1 00000000 08378368
   Virt. Drv. 1. Spans: 1
     Span 0
      chn tgt start sect length
       0 2 00000000 08378368
   Virt. Drv. 2. Spans: 1
     Span 0
      chn tgt start sect length
       1 0 00000000 08378368
   Virt. Drv. 3. Spans: 1
     Span 0
      chn tgt start sect length
       1 1 00000000 08378368
Logical Drive 2
   Virtual drives: 1
   Virt. Drv. 0. Spans: 1
     Span 0
      chn tgt start sect length
       1 2 00000000 08386560
Physical drives attached to this controller.
Channel 0
           # Sect. Fast Wide Tag-queue Dev State
SCSI id 0: 04110336 Y N Y OPT
SCSI id 1: 08378368 Y N Y OPT
SCSI id 2: 08378368 Y N Y OPT

Channel 1
           # Sect. Fast Wide Tag-queue Dev State
SCSI id 0: 08378368 Y N Y OPT
SCSI id 1: 08378368 Y N Y OPT
SCSI id 2: 08386560 Y Y Y OPT
END Configuration <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Richard Sharpe, sharpe_at_ns.aus.com, NIC-Handle:RJS96
NS Computer Software and Services P/L,
Ph: +61-8-8281-0063, FAX: +61-8-8250-2080,
Samba, Linux, Apache, Digital UNIX, AIX, Netscape, Stronghold, C, ...
Received on Sat Dec 12 1998 - 12:26:06 NZDT

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