Summary: How to find "your" IP#

From: George Gallen <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 13:15:43 -0500

There were a varied degree of suggestions.

1. who -mM <-- Which basicially what I was looking for
2. Use the finger command then parse out the IP
   (this is easier if a human is looking at the data, but was tough
    to extract from - this was my first method before using "w")
3. w | grep $TTY | paste -s - | awk '{print $3}'
   (basically like what I was doing...but required defining the
   $TTY varible with the last two characters of `tty`

The majority of the replys however would be useful if I were attempting
to find the IP of the Host machine, not the client, involving..

using ifconfig, ping and parsing out the rc.config file.

Thank you to all who replied.

George Gallen

-----Original Message-----
From: George Gallen []
Sent: Friday, December 11, 1998 2:49 PM
To: ''
Subject: How to find "your" IP#

Is there a command to display your IP#, as is displayed when you
do a "w"?

Right now, I do a 'w user' and parse out the line with the same tty
then pull the IP#, it's a pain.

George Gallen
Received on Mon Dec 14 1998 - 18:12:09 NZDT

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