I got a few other repsonses, one of which pointed me to the answer.
Kris Larson sent the following:
> When I receive the "host is unreachable", it usually means that
> my default router has not been added into my route table. Do a
> netstat -rn and see if you have a line like the following line
> with the default in it. The UG needs to be there. That is your
> default network router. If you do not have one, you need to use the
> network gui (I don't remember the name for it) to add a default router
> to your system. Once it is there, your hosts will be reachable.
It turned out that on the machine that was getting these messages the
IP addresses were not in the /etc/routes file.
[ Randy Rodgers
[ Senior Systems Programmer
[ Allen County/City of Fort Wayne
[ Information Systems
[ (219)427-5727
Received on Tue Dec 15 1998 - 15:28:28 NZDT