Extended UIDs?

From: Tim Winders <twinders_at_SPC.cc.tx.us>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 1998 10:14:13 -0600 (CST)

I am going to upgrade to 4.0E from 4.0D in the next couple of weeks. I
reading throught the release notes, it talkes about enabling extended
UIDs/GIDs. I must have missed this in previous versions. The notes don't
describe exactly what this allows. Does it allow UIDs/GIDs longer than 8
characters? Are there any problems with enabling UIDs? What about
compatibility with IASS? Any thoughts would be appreciated...

=== Tim

| Tim Winders, CNE, MCSE | Email: Tim.Winders_at_SPC.cc.tx.us |
| Network Administrator | Phone: 806-894-9611 x 2369 |
| South Plains College | Fax: 806-897-4711 |
| Levelland, TX 79336 | |
Received on Wed Dec 16 1998 - 16:15:15 NZDT

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