Sendmail Q.

From: Dan Hubbard <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 1998 09:49:13 -0800

We are going to moving our offices to another location and, among other
things, our Internet mail system cannot be down in the move.

These are the steps I was thinking of doing in order for this to be a
smooth transition:

The new location we have already has an Internet feed and acceppts mail for
another domain name ( We have an Internet feed with a
sendmail machine that accepts mail for

1) add the accounts that are on the mail server to the machine so they are the same (there are only 10-15 so its
an easy one).

2) setup mail server so it can receive mail for's mail. (does anyone know the exact entry in the config file
for the machine to receive mail for another domain. We are running Sendmail
8.7.5/8.7.3 on this particular machine.
3) change the DNS so mail machines has an MX entry with a
lower preference value the old mail server. But keep the old mail server MX
entry in so we won;t lose mail with old DNS updates.

4) inform all users to change there client setup to point to the new server.

Thanks for your input in advance.

Dan Hubbard
The Palace Inc.
Received on Wed Jan 07 1998 - 19:13:08 NZDT

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