Summary: Help with Exceed on Dec Unix v4.0b

From: <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 1998 07:46:53 -0800

Pam Woods
Stephen LaBelle
Dwight Hubbard
Jeffrey G. Micono
Wesley Darlington
Mr. Martin E. Lally
Don Ritchey
Craig Biggerstaff
(Hope I didn't miss anyone as many responeded, again You guys/gals are

Here is my original Post

I'm a newbie Unix Sys-admin with about 2 months experience so please
don't flame me. I've had 2 classes the admin class and utilites and cmds
and really like this system.
My problem well my current problem anyways:
I've got 2 systems a Dec Alpha 4100 and a Dec Alpha 8200 both running Dec
Unix v 4.0b I've installed and am running Exceed from my Win95 work station
with no problems at all with CDE with the 4100 system, however the 8200 is
giving me fits.
I've been working with Hummingbird Tech Support and they are telling me
that I need xdm to be up and running for CDE to work correctly.
I looked at the 4100 and using ps -ef | grep xdm I don't see this task yet
it works on the 4100. This leads me to beleive that I don't need xdm is
that a correct assumption?
The intresting part of this is CDE environment subsets were not installed
on the 8200 as there are no graphical devices like the 4100 has. So I
installed the entire CDE subset and looked at them via the setld -i cmd and
they all show installed. Is there any graphical subset's that are required
to run CDE or is that firmware command from >>> prompt required to set
console graphic required or ???? something else on the UNIX side.
Hummingbird tech support claims that everything is set up and should be
working on the client side (my Win95 workstation).
Thank You

Pam Woods:

well try
grep -i xdm
as I believe it's Xdm which is not xdm in a case sensitive environment
such as unix. the -i says ignore case.
most X related products are Xblah where the X is uppercase
(except for dxterm ...but most X11 stuff in the /usr/X11/bin area
have an uppercase X.
another thing is with cde most stuff is labeled dt as in dtterm
so maybe dtexec is what you need to find. It also may be
that Xdm is only "fired up" at the connection time and goes away later.
In my experience the main problem I have ever had is related to the
.rhost files in the user directory not knowning that that pc can
access it that way or the main hosts files in the /etc
not knowing the pc ips' etc.
hmm good question about the cde subsets and graphics. I don't
think the console h as to be graphics etc because I have a web
server that I can connect to with X software and it doesn't have
that type of cability at all ..(no mouse even.)
good luck.

did you type
 man xdm
it has some info in there about startup stuff ...

Stephen LaBelle Hi,
The task you are actually looking for is:
>From one of my systems:
# ps -ef | grep login
root 678 1 0.0 Jan 05 ?? 0:01.33
/usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon
root 1051 678 0.0 Jan 05 ?? 0:00.11 dtlogin <:0>
root 12111 678 0.0 08:57:03 ?? 0:00.28
/usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon
root 26080 23556 0.0 13:56:22 ttyp5 0:00.02 grep login
Its my guess as Hummingbird says, something is missing about XDM?
Do you have the following file ?
If so, thats what starts XDM at bootup.
Hmm, I do not know what to tell you? This is something that is
rather tough to try to debug with someone via email.
     Do you have a support contract with Digital?
          If so, I would call DEC support and have someone work this
          thru with you.
     I suspect you may still be missing some filesets. But unless I was
     there on your system, its tough for me to guess?
I have an Alphaserver 8400, that does not have the graphics console. I
have X-Windows working on it, never had any problems. I am very familar
with this type of thing.
A couple of things:
     Is there any type of error info in the file?
     That could shed some light on the issue.

     Does Exceed at the PC have any extended diagnostics you can now
     turn on?
          That may now tell you what is happening to X-Server on
          the PC. Since you now have dtlogin started, you may get
          worthwhile diagnostic info.
     Also, try the following experiment:
          1) Start the X-Server on the PC.
          2) Login to the unix host, you have an 8200
          3) Enter the following commands from the 8200:
               export DISPLAY
               /usr/bin/X11/dxterm &
          4) Does a terminal window popup on the PC?
               If so, the basic X-Windows is functional
          This experiment requires you to put in the actual
          hostname of your Exceed PC, the unix commands assume
          the bourne shell.
Hope some of this helps?
                              Good Luck,

Dwight Hubbard
The CDE equivilent to XDM is called dtlogin. In Dec Unix 4.0b it should be
started in the file /sbin/rc3.d/S95xlogin. Which should be a symbolic link
the file /sbin/init.d/xlogin.
If the S95xlogin file isn't there, dtlogin probably isn't getting started,
no nice graphical login.
If "ps -ef | grep dtlogin" doesn't show anything you should be able to
it manually by doing a
"/sbin/init.d/xlogin start"
Jeffrey G. Micono

Well, this is partially true. You don't have to run xdm, but you
have to run either xdm or dtlogin. Check it out. If your 4100s
are using CDE, they are running dtlogin. They key is get dtlogin
running on the 8200 with no graphics hardware. dtlogin is
started by /sbin/init.d/xlogin if XLOGIN is set to "cde" in
/etc/rc.config. (similarly, xdm is started if XLOGIN is set to "xdm")
dtlogin speaks XDMCP 1.0, just like xdm. The config files for
dtlogin are in /usr/dt. See man (1) dtlogin.
Hope this is enought to get you pointed in the right direction.
Let me know how it turns out.
You don't need to restart your system. You need to check the following:
When your system goes to multi-user mode, it will execute all
scripts in the /sbin/rc3.d directory that have names like this:
These files will be symbolic links to scripts in /sbin/init.d
For example, on my Alpha, here's the link in /etc/rc3.d that starts
     /etc/rc3.d/S95xlogin -> ../init.d/xlogin
To start CDE, do this:
     # cd /etc/init.d
     # xlogin start
You still may need to configure stuff in /usr/dt.
Wesley Darlington
Because v4.0 uses cde, they don't run xdm. As far as I can
remember, they run dtlogin at boot time with a command like:
  dtlogin -daemon
The file /sbin/init.d/xlogin is the script that starts it
and I see that in /sbin/rc3.d there is a link called S95xlogin
which points to xlogin in /sbin/init.d
As long as all these bits are there, it should (!) start up
at startup. Sic.
Mr. Martin E. Lally
Can you use the 4100 as the X server for the 8200 ?
If not ensure that the basic X system subsets are installed.
    OSFX11410 installed Basic X Environment (Windowing
Don Ritchey

I'm a newbie Unix Sys-admin with about 2 months experience so please
> don't flame me. I've had 2 classes the admin class and utilites and cmds
> and really like this system.
> My problem well my current problem anyways:
> I've got 2 systems a Dec Alpha 4100 and a Dec Alpha 8200 both running Dec
> Unix v 4.0b I've installed and am running Exceed from my Win95 work
> with no problems at all with CDE with the 4100 system, however the 8200
> giving me fits.
> I've been working with Hummingbird Tech Support and they are telling me
> that I need xdm to be up and running for CDE to work correctly.
> I looked at the 4100 and using ps -ef | grep xdm I don't see this task
> it works on the 4100. This leads me to beleive that I don't need xdm is
> that a correct assumption?
No you should see dtlogin and the X device manager 'X'.
> The intresting part of this is CDE environment subsets were not installed
> on the 8200 as there are no graphical devices like the 4100 has. So I
> installed the entire CDE subset and looked at them via the setld -i cmd
> they all show installed. Is there any graphical subset's that are
> to run CDE or is that firmware command from >>> prompt required to set
> console graphic required or ???? something else on the UNIX side.
> Hummingbird tech support claims that everything is set up and should be
> working on the client side (my Win95 workstation).
You should install the graphical packages on the 8200, since any
programs will need those packages for the services and executables they
provide. Unless you are really tight on space (and on an 8200 your very
well shouldn't be), the extra space consumed by the CDE sets is
The main thing you have to remember is that the X service is essentially
network oriented, so whether or not graphical devices are installed on
your 8200 or not, the full set of user interface software (including
should be intalled. The applications make X-protocol display commands
are interpreted by the X-server on your Windows95 PC. (Get used to the
reversed concepts of X-Windows: the Client is the program running on
Unix machine, that makes display requests of the Server, which is the
program controlling the keyboard, mouse and display of the PC.)

Craig Biggerstaff
You don't specify what is "giving you fits" about the 8200.
Hummingbird is incorrect about xdm. CDE does not require xdm to handle
XDMCP requests; dtlogin performs this function in the CDE world. Read
the man page for dtlogin and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Hope this helps,

Well I took a bit of everyones advise, the main problem was that since I
had installed the CDE I did not reboot or restart init lvl2 or lvl 3. Once
I followed I think it was Jefferies advice and started /sbin/init.d/xlogin
I was able to run Exceed. But all information provided seemed to point to
that area and again many thanks.
Dennis Thun
Received on Fri Jan 09 1998 - 16:45:56 NZDT

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