MORE:disabling disk quota

From: Zehra Soysert <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:49:14 +0300 (EET)

Hello Managers,

Yesterday, I have asked how I could make root partition writable from
single user mode.Many people anwered , it is solved now.Thanks for this.
But my original problem was:
The system cannot be brought up to level 3, it says
"INIT:unable to write utmp entry 'fs'
In single user mode, I cannot create any file on /usr, the following
message appears:
"create failed,user inode limit reached
mkdir: cannot create xx.
xx:Disc quota exceeded."

When I switched to another user as su otheruser.
Other user could create several files on /usr/users/otheruser. I
mean, Inode problem was specific to root user.

I had edited fstab file, and removed rq, userquota.
The entry for usr in fstab is:
usr_domain#usr /usr advfs rw 0 0
I mean there shouln't be quota on /usr.

Here is the output of df -k command:

Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
root_domain#root 65536 42456 16088 73% /
usr_domain#usr 1916752 594710 675048 47% /usr
usr_domain#staff 1916752 338058 675048 33% /usr/users/staff
usr_domain#student 1916752 99030 675048 13% /usr/users/studen
usr_domain#academic 1916752 77778 675048 10% /usr/users/academ
usr_domain#services 1916752 74548 675048 10% /usr/users/servic

What can be the problem? Why root cannot write to /usr partition?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, I will summarize.

Zehra Soysert.
Received on Tue Jan 13 1998 - 17:47:28 NZDT

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