SUMM: Part2. Networker

From: Pam Woods, Systems Manager <axsymgr_at_UAA.ALASKA.EDU>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:11:55 -0900

I called Digital back because I was still not satisfied with my previous
answer. Ultimately they said that I was using the full capacity of
the tape (4gb) but becuase I was using "compression" mode, it reports
it as 2gb. My options are to set up another pool for full vs incremental
backups or start splitting things by disk.

If anyone has done something like this and can guide me that would be
great. Otherwise I guess I'll just start fumbling around and
come up with some other scheme.

I was happy before because I'd just stick one tape in and let it

Pam Woods -
Received on Fri Jan 16 1998 - 20:14:48 NZDT

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