On an AS100a I've configured the de500-aa for Fast Ethernet Full Duplex by
set ewa0_mode FastFD.
When I boot the system the message on the screen and in /var/adm/messages
is :
tu0: console mode: selecting 100BaseTX (UTP) port: full duplex: no link
When looking at my switch the line is at 100Mbs but Half Duplex.
What is this no link message ?
| Daniel Clar e-mail : Daniel.Clar_at_supelec.fr |
| Computer Operations Manager : dc_at_supelec.fr |
| Service Informatique Supelec and |
| Plateau de Moulon DECUSF::CLAR_D or |
| 91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex - France Daniel.Clar_at_decus.fr |
| Tel : (33 1) 69 85 14 87 Fax : (33 1) 69 85 12 34 |
Received on Fri Jan 23 1998 - 08:34:52 NZDT