Summary: KZESC 32Gb limit?? (solved!)

From: <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 15:40:25 +0200

I wrote:
> Hi Managers!
> I recently bought a KZESC (raid array 200) controller for my
> AS2100. In a recent mail on this list was mentioned a 32Gb
> limit / bus. I'd like to have some more info about this.
> Is the 32Gb limit
> - per bus, i.e I can have max 3*32gb disk capasity
> on my system (as I have a 3 channel controller)
> - per controller (i.e. max 32gb on my system)
> - per raid group?
> - per logical drive?
> Or are there other limits on these? I was planning on
> creating a six-disk RAID5 raid group (5*9GB, 45Gb).
> With 2 drives/bus this would be below 32Gb/bus, but
> will it work????
> regards, Harald

The problem seems to be representing a disk larger than
32Gb to the OS. So I can create a disk group of 6*9G Raid5
i.e. 45Gb, and split it into 2 logical drives 22.5Gb each and
the combine these using LSM or AdvFS. Check out

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For example, take a single BA356 shelf with seven 9GB drives inserted.
All together this is 63GB worth of storage, which in a RAID 5 set, for
example, would result in approximately 52GB of User Addressable space
after the RAID 5 overhead is subtracted. Since 32GB is the configuration
limit, instead create two logical partitions within that seven member
RAID set, each 26GB (user addressable) for a total of 52GB for both.
Each logical partition still spans all seven disks.
--- clip ---

regards, Harald
Received on Fri Jan 30 1998 - 14:46:11 NZDT

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