csh broken in 4.0D?

From: John Lucak <JLucak_at_mr.picker.com>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 14:34:46 -0500

Am I going nuts here or did DEC really break the csh in 4.0D???

Logged on as root, using default .login and .cshrc files.

# uname -a
OSF1 e900edge V4.0 878 alpha
# csh
# set x=`hostname`;echo i am $x
i am

Obviously, this output is WRONG!!!!

Commands executing within `` are sending their output to stdout and not
to the desired location.

When it fails, it consistantly fails, but the conditions that bring
about the failure vary. In one case, everything works fine until an
invalid path is added to the PATH, then the above problem appears!

Constructive responses only, please. I am not interested in a religious
war over what shell is best to use.


 - John

John J. Lucak                       -----------------
Picker International, NMR Division  -----------------
JLucak_at_mr.picker.com                -----------------
(440) 473-5452                      -----------------
Received on Mon Feb 09 1998 - 20:35:14 NZDT

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