Summary : Cluster using RAW Devices

From: Unix Administrator <>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 15:02:43 -0500

Thanks to :

> Alan Davis[]
> Joseph C King[]
> Gunther Feuereisen[]
        Stephen Walter[]

The best way to do that is getting TruCluster Production Server / Memory
Channel wich offers an "new " option : DRD Service. If you do not have
this one, the recommendation is to use Advfs as a disk service.

Here are their responses:

> From: Joseph C King[]
> How about /dev/rzxxc
> That is how we got Sybase to work....
> Don't use ADVfs or LSM or anything like that at all.
> 1) Present the disk to the system
> 2) give asemgr the raw drive files.
> Here is the screen from ours...
> 1) /dev/rz24a (UFS)
> 2) /dev/rz24b (UFS)
> 3) /dev/rz24d (UFS)
> 4) /dev/rz24e (UFS)
> It says it is UFS but its lying.
> This is how a Digital Engineer setup our service for sybase.
> Gunther Feuereisen[]
> As far as I know, you can only have raw devices associated with ASE
> services, when you use TruCluster Production Server in conjunction
> with the Memory Channel Interconnect (MCI).\
> Stephen Walter[]
> I think you can do this with Distributed Raw Disks (DRD) in TruCluster
> Production Server, rather than Available Server.
My Original Question :
> I was trying to configure a cluster environment using DU4.0b a
> TruCluster 1.4A.
> We are using informix 7.24x. In the shared disk we have raw devices
> using LSM. (stripe thru hardware and mirror thru software). We choose
> "Disk service" when we add a service using "asemgr". The problem is
> when trucluster ask me to introduce the "device special file, Advfs
> domain or LSM...." We add "/dev/rvol/prico_dg/VOL1" and the cluster
> saw it like "UFS" I mean "/dev/vol/prico_dg/VOL1" not "rvol". In other
> words we can not add "RAW devices". What we did was create a shared
> Advfs file domain and create links that point to "/dev/rvol" and we
> configure this Advfs as a Disk Service.
> When we test this option, works ok, the services (including the links)
> was transfered to the other machine and my data stay in the same
> place, in other words we did not lose data.
> I want to know if there is a direct way to introduce a service that
> only use raw device, with no File System thru the way.

Received on Mon Feb 09 1998 - 21:11:45 NZDT

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