Dear Managers,
My deepest gratitude goes out to:
"Spalding, Steve" <>
Collin Serge <>
for their prompt responses.
Steve Spalding hit the nail on the head with his reply which states
inter alia:
> We had the same problem with our 4100, and we were told by DEC that
> modems DO NOT work correctly on com port 1; they must be connected to com
> port 2. Also, the settings at the boot prompt for the com port should
> look something like this:
> >>> SET COMM2_MODEM ON <-Enable the port to handle a modem
> >>> SET COMM2_FLOW HARD <-Enable the port to handle flow control
> >>> SET COMM2_BAUD 38400 <-Set the port's baud rate
> We use uugetty to run against the com port for dial in, and our
> /etc/inittab file looks like this:
> modemp:23:respawn:/usr/lib/uucp/uugetty -r -t 60 ttyd2 38400
As soon as I tried this it worked.
Collin Serge's response was also helpful as it prompted me to verify my
cables were configured correctly end to end. I had used a straight
cable with all signals connected. In any case his response went thus:
> I got the same problem on a DEC 3000. There is a great chance that the
> serial port uses the RTS/CTS wires. In my case, using another modem
> cable and configuring the modem in RTS/CTS solves partially my problem
> (I am unable to use chat but cu and tip work well).
> So check the cabling specifications for the modem cable in your doc and
> verify that your cable respects them.
> You can also find infos in the man pages (ace, iscc, scc, modem, ...).
Thanks again.
Received on Tue Feb 10 1998 - 19:27:20 NZDT