Dear Managers,
I will finally be able to leave Digital UNIX 3.2C for 4.0D (received at last).
For practical reasons I will stick to an installation from scratch and take
advantage of the opportunity to reconfigure the disk layout.
Hardware : 3000/600 with 64 MB (perhaps 128 MB in near future), 1 GB internal
(rz3) and 2.1 GB external (rz14) drives.
Here is what I plan so far (sizes are only rough estimates):
rz3a: /, 128 MB, UFS (as the concensus seems to be that AdvFS would be strictly
no use here).
rz3b: swap, 128 MB
rz3g: /usr, 512 MB, AdvFS, excluding /usr/local
rz3h: /var, 252 MB, AdvFS
rz14a: swap, 128 MB
rz14d: /usr/local, 512 MB, AdvFS
rz14e: /usr/users, 1024 MB, AdvFS
rz14f: /usr/guests, 512 MB, AdvFS
Now the question: what about putting filesets for /usr and /var in a common
filedomain rather than each in its own ? Same question for the three filesets
on the second disk. The immediate advantage I see is that I do not have
to fix the fileset sizes in each domain (or do I have to ?).
But are there any other implications (mainly disadvantages...) that I could be
missing ?
Thanks a lot for any comment.
- -
Serge Munhoven Internet:
Universite Catholique de Louvain Phone (office): ++32-10-478032
CESAME - Applied Mechanics Division (division): ++32-10-472350
Av. Georges Lemaitre, 4 Fax: ++32-10-472180
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium - Europe) Office: a.011
- -
"A great pleasure in life is doing what people think you cannot do."
(author unknown)
Received on Tue Feb 17 1998 - 12:43:08 NZDT