Sendmail questions

From: Rolf E. Sonneveld <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 10:41:22 +0100

Hi, all

On the subject of Sendmail on Digital Unix I've some questions
regarding performance and versions.

1. does Digital has its 'own' version of Sendmail for Digital Unix?
   Or is always the public domain sendmail involved?
2. is it possible to make use of TruCluster technology using
   Sendmail on multiple nodes? Or are there other ways to improve
   availability of the system?
3. Are there any OSF managers around hre, managing a Dunix system
   with Sendmail handling 100,000 messages a day or more?
4. In general I'm looking for people having experience with
   Sendmail on Dunix. I have some more specific questions, which
   I don't want to bother the list with.

I hate to say it but I'm not on the list. Please reply (also) to my
reply-to address.

Thanks in advance!


Rolf E. Sonneveld
Schrijnwerkerlaan 16
3828 XC Hoogland
The Netherlands
Tel./Fax. +31 33 480 3968
Mobile:   +31 6543 70 20 5
Received on Wed Feb 18 1998 - 10:40:45 NZDT

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