rdump problems

From: Jerome Michael Solberg <jerome_at_eratosthenes.me.berkeley.edu>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 11:12:03 -0800 (PST)

 Dear Managers,

        I have generally used tar to do backups in the past, but since
our systems have expanded the "ungraceful" manner in which tape errors
are handled has moved me to try rdump and dump. I have a DAT tape
drive attached to one machine. On this machine, "dump" works fine, as
"/usr/sbin/dump -0 -c -N /". The machine with the tape runs
Digital UNIX version 3.2C

However, I have problems using rdump. There are 4 machines which I
need to remotely backup. Two run AIX 3.2, one runs Ultrix 4.3, and
one runs Digital UNIX 3.2C. On the Digital UNIX machine this is
what happens:

rdump -0 -c -f apollonius.me.berkeley.edu:/dev/nrmt0h /
rdump: Dumping from host eratosthenes.ME.Berkeley.EDU
rdump: Date of this level 0 dump: Thu Feb 19 00:15:12 1998 PST
rdump: Date of last level dump: the start of the epoch
rdump: Dumping /dev/rrz3a (/) to /dev/nrmt0h on host apollonius.ME.Ber
rdump: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
rdump: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
rdump: rmt_reply(): Protocol to remote tape server botched (code OSF1
rdump: Communication error in connection to remote peer
rdump: SIGTERM received -- Try rewriting
rdump: Unexpected signal -- cannot recover
rdump: Cannot remove shared memory
remove_shared_memory(): shmctl(): Invalid argument
rdump: SIGTERM received -- Try rewriting
rdump: Unexpected signal -- cannot recover

One an AIX 3.2 machine this is what happens:

# rdump 0cf apollonius.me.berkeley.edu:/dev/rmt0h /
rdump: The date of this level 0 backup is Wed Feb 18 23:14:39 CST 1998
rdump: The date of the last level 0 backup is the epoch.
rdump: Backing up /dev/rhd4 (/) to /dev/rmt0h on host apollonius.me.be
rdump: 0511-251 The file system is still mounted; data may not be cons
        Use the umount command to unmount the filesystem; then do the
rdump: Mapping regular files. This is Pass 1.
rdump: Mapping directories. This is Pass 2.
rdump: There are an estimated 4136 tape blocks.
rdump: 0511-231 Communication protocol error: xhost: Command not found
 not recognized.
rdump: 0511-223 The remote host connection is lost.
rdump: 0511-203 Internal error; exit status 1 is not recognized.

And on the Ultrix machine, this is what happens:

rdump 0cf apollonius.me.berkeley.edu:/dev/rmt0h /
Login incorrect.

Any ideas? Especially in terms of the 3.2C to 3.2C rdump. I am basically


 Jerome M. Solberg
 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Berkeley CA
Received on Thu Feb 19 1998 - 20:12:24 NZDT

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