Summary - LSM disk group data base

From: Jim Harm <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 11:54:49 -0700

The solution was to add a disk to the disk group and force it to have a copy
of the configuration database.

with a disklabeled expendable disk;
        voldisksetup -i rz8 privlen=1024 nconfig=1 nlogs=1
        voldiskadd rz8
                #answer *no* to the reinitialize?
                #rootdg was default
                #name disk rz8
                #yes to proceed.
        voldisk list rz8
                #shows the configuration in last 5 lines of output.
Then I was able to remove rz3. I will add the new(wide scsi) rz3 with config
database and mirror rz10 to it, remove rz10, and re-add it with another config
We believe that encapsulation of the root disk
   makes copies of the configuration.

At 11:03 AM 2/19/98, Jim Harm wrote:
>Greetings fellow DEC UNIX endurers;
>Has anyone been able to copy a diskgroup configuration database
>from one disk to another or force the addition of a disk to have it
>written into the private partition on the added disk?
>I am currently unable to remove a disk from the LSM control because it has the
>last rootdg configuration copy.
>Disk additions don't have the configuration data written to them and there
>are ten disks in the disk group. I checked each disk with voldisk list rz#
>and confirmed that only rz3 has the configuration copy on board even though
>every disk is sliced and has a private partition ready for a configuration.
>The system is 8400 running 4.0B patchkit 4 release two.
>Thank you for your time.
>James E. Harm (Jim);
>(510) 422-4018 L-073 Pg: 423-7705x57152
>fax: (510) 423-6374 UNIX Sys.Admin...-.-

James E. Harm (Jim);
(510) 422-4018 L-073 Pg: 423-7705x57152
fax: (510) 423-6374 UNIX Sys.Admin...-.-
Received on Thu Feb 19 1998 - 20:53:40 NZDT

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