obtaining MAC address of any system

From: Paul A. Scowen <PAUL.SCOWEN_at_ASU.Edu>
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:35:33 -0700 (MST)

Recently there was some brief discussion about the use of "arp -a" in
conjunction with ping to determine the MAC addresses of UNIX boxes. Does
anyone know of a utility that given a name or IP address that will go out and
determine the MAC address of a given machine (of whatever flavor, not just
UNIX). We have some bad boys on our local net and I know their MAC's but
cannot resolve who they are. Many thanks in advance.

Paul A. Scowen                       | Internet: scowen_at_tycho.la.asu.edu
Dept of Physics & Astronomy          |           paul.scowen_at_asu.edu
Arizona State University             | World Wide Web:
Box 871504, Tempe, AZ 85287-1504     |    http://tycho.la.asu.edu/scowen.html
Tel/FAX: (602) 965-0938 / 7954       |    http://tycho.la.asu.edu/sah.html
Received on Fri Feb 20 1998 - 17:35:50 NZDT

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