I was trying to install digital unix 4.0D on a multia I recently
received. When trying to access the external CD or the external disk
after the installation, I ecounter the following scsi errors:
*** Soft Error - Error #27 - SCSI:
Sense Key = 'Unit Attention' (28|00) from dka300.
Diagonstic Name ID Device Pass Test hard/Soft 10-Feb-2018
boot 00000071 0 0 0/1 21:08:25
*** End of Error ***
or similar error message with different error # or ID.
Has any body seen such error or know how to work arround them. The
external storage and the scsi cable work fine on my Pentium machine.
Received on Sat Feb 21 1998 - 17:51:36 NZDT