wu-ftd[beta-16] vs DU V4.0D

From: PHETPHONE D CHANTHAVONG <CHANTHP_at_cliffy.polaroid.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 16:26:52 -0500

     hello all,
     Could someone answer to my questions below:
     1. Currently I am running Digital UNIX V4.0A and want to upgrade
         to V4.0D. Can I do an upgrade directly from V4.0A to V4.0D,
         instead of update to V4.0B and then, V4.0D?
     2. Is there any patch available for DU V4.0D yet?
     3. Is wu-ftpd version of wu-ftpd.2.4.2-academ[beta-16] supported
        to run under DU V4.0D?
     I appreciated your comment...
Received on Tue Feb 24 1998 - 22:49:53 NZDT

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