SUMMARY: Can I install software subsets for 4.0B whilst running 3.2?

From: Eric Wyn Jones \(01248-382407\) <"Eric>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 10:16:58 +0000 (GMT)

Two answers on this one , I followed their advice and came in late on a
Sunday instead to finish the installation - but still managed to annoy quite
a few users!
Neither answer picked up on the fact that I could have used setld from
the 4.0B disk ...


I wouldn't even try. The setld installation tool has a lot of OS dependent
stuff in it so this will most likely fail.

From: "Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646" <>

An interesting question. No commitments, but here are some things that you
need to consider:

1) You'd have to mount the whole "target" system image in the mount point,
that is, mount the root directory on /mnt, then the /usr on /mnt/usr, and if
you've set up a separate /var or other things, mount them on the relevant
mount points under /mnt (or whereever you're going to have the -D option in
setld pointing).

2) For layered product kits, I'm not aware of any changes between V3.2 and
V4.0B that would impact the ability of the V3.2 setld to install V4.0B kits.
The base OS kit has changed SUBSTANTIALLY and the V3.2 setld would not have
the ability to install it. But I *think* the layered product kits would be
compatible. You probably could not VERIFY any of the products, and there
are steps that may need to be performed (depending on the layered product)
that can't be run on a V3.2 system.

3) Some layered product kits either refuse to be installed or don't work
right after installation when you try to install them to an alternate root
(using setld -D). Everything is SUPPOSED to work, since layered products
are supposed to be installable in a dataless environment, and dataless is
dependent on using setld -D to install the kits. But I've seen kits that do
horrible things. They just aren't adequately tested that way. So you are
taking a real risk (compounded by the version skew) that using setld -D on a
V3.2 system to try to install V4.0B layered product kits on a V4.0B system
disk will trash things.

Original question
I need to upgrade my AS2100 from OSF 3.2 to DU 4.0B with minimum downtime.
So far I've got a new 4.0b installation on dka200, but had to return the
machine to user service before installing layered products and adding the
bells and whistles.
So now I'm running the old OSF 3.2 booted from dka0.
I can mount the /usr partition of the 4.0B disk on /mnt (say).
My question is can I use the -D option of setld to load 4.0B layered
products onto the new system disk or will I get a load of errors
relating to incompatible libraries etc ?
I don't want to "try it and see" in case that ruins my new embryonic
system disk.


| Eric Wyn Jones, | Tel: +44 1248 382407 Fax: +44 1248 383826 |
| Information Services, | Zip: LL57 1LD |
| University of Wales, Bangor | |
Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 11:17:14 NZDT

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