NetWorker Save and Restore 4.4 Documentation (partial summary and following)

From: Daniel Clar <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 17:21:58 +0200

Here is the original message,

> Hello Managers,
> Thank you to Tom Blinn and to Documentation people for the improvements on
> Documentation but I've currently many problems when trying to print the
> NetWorker Save and Restore Documentation located in the /usr/opt/BRX440/usr
> /doc directory.
> First of all my printer is a LN17Ps printer with A4 paper. So I've modified
> PageSize from Letter to A4. My printing is done remotely through OpenVMS
> DCPS to get two-sided printing but it's impossible to get it with the
> postcript files delivered in the subsets.
> It's mandatory to put -K1 option to obtain something.
> Once more it seems that Microsoft software prevents to choose the printing
> format. Is it possible to improve this too to let the choice to the users ?
> Did someone succeed to print these documents two-sided ?
> Thanks
> Daniel
Thank you to : (Magali BERNARD)

We've never succeeded to print but we've printed the other ones
(we've tried NT, ghostscript, Acrobat distiller,....)

The CS answer is "buy the hardcopy documentation"

and to :

"Dr. Tom Blinn, 603-884-0646" <>


I'm passing a copy of your note along to the product manager who I *believe*
"owns" the NetWorker product. As you can probably guess, we get the software
and I suspect much of the documentation from the vendor, and although I have
not looked at the specific documents, I would not be surprised if they were
delivered to us in their current form and then simply placed on the kit. This
is not an excuse, just an explanation of what you see.

Since the files are PostScript format, I suspect you realize that you can copy
them to a directory where they can be edited and modify them with a plain text
editor such as "vi" or emacs. You can probably find the control statements in
the file that set the printer for things like paper size, sidedness, and the
like and simply remove the assignments, so that the printer filters can do the
work they should do independently of what's in the files. (In a well-written
PostScript program, the code in the files would test whether the variables had
been set to acceptable values, and only change them if they were not set or
were set to values that would result in a corrupted output.)

I realize this is an ugly work-around, and you shouldn't have to do it, but it
might get you where you want to be. I'll see what I can to get to get us to
try to get the vendor to fix the documentation.


As mentionned by Magali, all the programs who are able to process Postcript
files give the same error with

offending command is pp_clip

Does somebody know how to resolve this problem ?


Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 17:30:35 NZDT

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