LAT connection problem

From: Harvey Rarback 630-252-0427 <>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 16:14:28 -0600


I am helping a colleague set up LAT for interactive sessions on a Digital Unix
4.0b box. It used to work, but mysteriously and suddenly stopped working and
I would appreciate any advice about what to check.

We are connecting through a terminal server (a DSRVA-AA) on the same subnet as
the Digital Unix host. The terminal server and Unix box have both been
rebooted to no avail. On a terminal server port we see:

> Local> show serv gingi
> Service GINGI - available
> Node name Status Rating Announcement
> GINGI Reachable 253 Digital UNIX Version 4.0 LAT SERVICE
> Local> connect gingi
> Local -011- Session 1 disconnected from GINGI

Connections to OpenVMS hosts running LAT work fine.

I used latsetup to configure all the defaults. I append the outputs of latcp -d
for various flags (with counters zeroed before one unsuccessful connect).

Harvey Rarback phone: (630)252-0427
CARS at the APS fax: (630)252-0443
Building 434-A4 home phone: (708)957-4055
Argonne National Lab Internet:
9700 South Cass Ave ESnet: 47583::RARBACK
Argonne, IL 60439 Web:

           "We need more good people. We have enough smart people."
                            Dr. Laura Schlessinger
# latcp -d

Node name: GINGI
Multicast timer: 60 seconds
LAT version: 5 ECO: 2
Outgoing Port Groups: 0

Selected Interface Name(s): tu0
LAT Protocol is active
Agent Status: Disabled
Maximum Number of Learned Services: 100

Service information
        Service name: GINGI
        Service ID: Digital UNIX Version V4.0 LAT SERVICE
        Rating: Dynamic 253
        Groups: 0

# latcp -d -N
LATCP Node Counters
       120 Seconds since last reset 0 Fwd out-of-seq messages
         1 Run messages received 0 Retransmitted messages
         1 Run messages transmitted 0 Bad circuit messages
         1 Slots received 0 Bad circuit slots
         1 Slots transmitted 0 Accepted host-initiated
        26 Bytes received 0 Rejected host-initiated
         0 Duplicate messages 0 Multiple nodes seen

LATCP Node Statistics
         1 Circuits created 0 Circuit timeouts
         1 Sessions created 2 Service messages xmit
         8 Frames received 7 Service messages recv
         4 Frames transmitted 7 Service messages used
         0 Illegal frames

LATCP Node Errors
         0 Circuit Start 0 HIC Solicit
         0 Circuit Run 0 HIC Response
         0 Circuit Halt 0 HIC Command
         0 Service Anouncement 0 HIC Status
         0 Other Message

# latcp -d -S
No virtual circuits established.

# latcp -d -P

Local Port Name = 620 <application>

        Specified Remote Node Name = LAT_0040AF355720
        Specified Remote Port Name = PORT_1
Received on Wed Mar 04 1998 - 23:14:41 NZDT

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