Userquota clarification

From: Britton Johnson <>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 1998 12:04:13 -0600 (CST)

Ok, I have eeked tons of info from the list's archive and have come to one
situation I am a little unsure of. On our old Ultrix box I would edquota
my protouser and then cd /usr/student and edquota -p proto * to change
all of the rest. Now, I recognize that OSF asks for a -u before the
"changee's" name.

My question is this:

A) Can a wildcard be used like that?

B) More importantly, on the old system /usr/student was a seperate
filesystem unto itself. On the OSF box, the student folder is on the same
file system with the staff (i.e. /home/guest /home/staff all reside on
/home filesystem). Will running edquota -p proto -u * (if that works)
within /home/student change all users within the _directory_ I am in or
the _filesystem_ I am in?

I could, of course, just try it and see. But I have thousands of users
and don't want to step in front of a firing squad without some
consultation. :-)

I am on DU 4.0(b?) Oddly enough, uname -a only says 4.0 but when I reboot
it sticks DU4.0b on the /etc/motd. I assume it may be 4.0b and I am using
uname incorrectly.

Thanks in advance for any help.


    Britton Johnson, Ass't System Admin.
   Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO
Received on Thu Mar 05 1998 - 19:05:24 NZDT

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