Summary: INN 1.7.2.insync-1.1d vs. 1.5.1sec2

From: Dave Sill <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 15:49:15 -0500 (EST)

I recently wrote:

> I'm currently running 1.5.1sec2 under 4.0B patchlevel 3 or 4, and innd
> dies without warning sporadically (e.g., four times one day, then not
> for a week). I'm considering installing 1.7.2.insync-1.1d and
> wondering how stable it is, especially under 4.0B.
> If you're running either version without any problems, I'd appreciate
> a copy of your for comparison.

I received several replies suggesting that 1.7.2.insync-1.1d was more
stable than 1.5.1sec2 under Digital UNIX. I've installed it and
haven't had any problem yet.

Thanks to:

Bob Sloane <sloane_at_UKANS.EDU>
Allan E Johannesen <aej_at_WPI.EDU>
John P.Speno <>
Bill O'Neill (
Bill Bergman <>

And especially Ann Cantelow, <>, who
suggested building in the embedded perl support and running
cleanfeed. She said she had problems with innd growing without bound
until she rebuilt perl to use DU's malloc instead of perl's.

Cleanfeed is absolutely fantastic! It's like travelling back in time
to the days before spam. :-)

Received on Wed Mar 11 1998 - 21:49:25 NZDT

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