Since I can't find the answer on the archives, I will publish it here:
I have a Personal Workstation _at_ 500a -> a-series.
On d|i|g|i|t|a|l WebPages, they say it supports WindowsNT.
Since I want to install Digital UNIX, do I *really* have to buy an
au-series? Or I can D/L SRM console from anyware and use Digital UNIX, even
if they say that 'au' supports boths OS and 'a' suports WinNT?
TIA (will summarize)
Joao Rochate
Joao Pedro Rochate | EMail: jrochate_at_ualg.pt
Servicos de Informatica | URL: w3.ualg.pt/~jrochate
Universidade do Algarve | Phone: +351 (0)89 800 961
8000 Gambelas - FARO | ISDN: +351 (0)89 860 125
P O R T U G A L (pt) | Mobile:+351 (0)936 660 662
http://www.ualg.pt ]=- | Fax: +351 (0)89 860 129
Eng. de Sistemas e Computacao - UCEH - Univ. do Algarve
Received on Sun Mar 15 1998 - 17:34:40 NZST