nsr 4.3 and DU4.0C
I don't need a backup for dir /home1/scratch or file /home1/log/*.out
from server
skip: /home1/scratch
+skip: /home1/log/*.out
don't work
How is it possible to do that?
Your info will be appreciated.
Eusebio Sanchez Lama
Servei de Cālcul i Informatitzaciķ
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Carr. de Valldemossa Km. 7,5
07071 - Palma de Mallorca (Balearics Island) - Spain
Phone: (+34 71) 173007
Fax: (+34 71) 172904
email: sciesl_at_ps.uib.es
Received on Mon Mar 16 1998 - 10:56:06 NZST