> The original message was :
> >When I issue a rlogin or a telnet command to a DU computer running CDE,
> >don't succeed to run the Application Manager and to the window on my
> >workstation.
> >
> >How is it possible to do that ?
> Thank you for the answers but I apologize not to have been clear enough.
> My problem is not to define the DISPLAY or to authorize the remote
> My problem is what is the shell command to run the Application Manager ?
> And in fact the remote display is not the question.
Thank you to :
Thomas Leitner <tom_at_finwds01.tu-graz.ac.at>
Paul Watson <phwatso_at_cooper-energy-services.com>
Jean-Loup Risler <risler_at_genetique.uvsq.fr>
Ana Pedraz <Ana.Pedraz_at_digital.com>
"Avraham (Avi) Y. Shapiro" <shapa_at_erols.com>
HOw about /usr/dt/bin/dtsession. Sounds like it should work. There's
man help for it.
Good luck.
"Charles M. Richmond" <cmr_at_koibito.iisc.com>
Have you tried running dtsession -disp remote:0
The dtappintegrate and dtappgather seem to be too tightly integrated
into CDE to be broken out but you can experiment (-; They are found
in /usr/dt/bin
"Biggerstaff, Craig T" <Craig.T.Biggerstaff_at_usahq.unitedspacealliance.com>
Ordinarily for this you would connect using XDMCP instead of telnet, and
log in through the dtlogin program. Then dtlogin would start dtsession.
You could try just running dtsession from telnet and see if it works; I
have not tried it. For more info, consult the man page on dtlogin.
Girish Phadke <PGIRISH_at_binariang.maxisnet.com.my>
Assumation is
if you are login throgh PC then via some X11 s/w like exceed
1) After login in on the system
2) Set display to your work station DISPLAY= your client address
3) If whole CDE session manager is to be started then
run dtsession &
otherwise start a particlaur application
So for me the conclusion is that it's impossible to start the Application
Manager without using dtsession so without starting another window manager
on your remote workstation. There is no direct application, as some
dxsomething ot dtotherthing, to run directly the Application Manager.
Thanks to all,
| Daniel Clar e-mail : Daniel.Clar_at_supelec.fr |
| Computer Operations Manager : dc_at_supelec.fr |
| Service Informatique Supelec and |
| Plateau de Moulon DECUSF::CLAR_D or |
| 91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex - France Daniel.Clar_at_decus.fr |
| Tel : (33 1) 69 85 14 87 Fax : (33 1) 69 85 12 34 |
Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 12:18:32 NZST