Acrobat Reader 3.0 error

From: Peter Stern <>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 15:29:35 +0300 (IDT)

I just downloaded and installed Acrobat Reader v. 3.01 for
Digital Unix 4.0 (which I have). When I try to open a pdf
file in netscape (v.3.01 Gold) I get get the Acrobat Reader
startup window and then the following Netscape: subprocess
diagnostics (stdout/stderr) message:
X Toolkit Error:widget class XacroView has invalid
CompositeClassExtension record

Does anybody have any ideas about what this means and how to
overcome it. Acroread does find its plug-in apparently.


Peter Stern
Chemical Physics Department
Weizmann Institute of Science
76100 Rehovot, ISRAEL

phone: 972-8-9342096
fax: 972-8-9344123
Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 13:29:50 NZST

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