To the group - .THANK YOU!!
If you haven't sent me a reply - I have my question ANSWERED already (but I'm NOW searching for a Digital UNIX System Manager/System Admin)
I am presently on a search for one of my best client companies who needs a highly skilled Digital UNIX (Alpha) Sys Admin/System Mangler. It's an all Alpha environment, the latest in technologies: revs 3.xx -> 4.0D. ADVFS, LSM, clustering.
You must have DU experience.
You should have clustering experience
You should have ADVFS exper.
If you are interested in this position, here's the scoop:
LENGTH: 6 months +
RATE: OPEN (You name your price, any price. fixed broker markup.)
There is also possibility of a permanent job at same location, (I work as a contingent recruiter - no fee to you.)
If interested, call me. For confidentiality reasons, I am not about to blast the name of the client, specific location, or specific rate ranges to the group.
CALL ME FOR FREE! Or send me a daytime and evening phone number and I'll CALL YOU TONITE.
Again, thank you to the group, I have received all friendly replies - except for one flame who shall remain nameless for now.
Brady 800 466 9919 x22
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Ategra Information Systems
Specialists in Permanent & Contract Staffing
VOICE: 407-671-5800 ext 22
TOLLFREE: 800-466-9919 ext 22
FAX: 407-671-6075
Received on Tue Mar 24 1998 - 01:37:58 NZST