Brain transplant hemorrhage: 433a -> 433au

From: Neil Heather <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 1998 17:03:18 -0800


We have a DIGITAL Personal Workstation 433a (the Windows NT machine),
and we decided that running Digital UNIX would better meet our needs.

So we updated the PALcode and installed Digital UNIX V4.0C. Most
everything is working with the exception of the graphics card. (Which
I believe is a PowerStorm 4D40T.)

We have tried several things to get it to work . . .

Reupdating the PALcode. - No luck.
Rebuilding the kernel from genvmunix. - Negative.
Running doconfig. - Unresponsive.
Installing Open3D. - Nope.

Below are snippets of /var/adm/messages that, hopefully, are relevant.

B-cache could not be auto-sized
Digital UNIX V4.0C (Rev. 564.32); Mon Jan 19 11:09:24 PST 1998
Firmware revision: 6.6.29
PALcode: Digital UNIX version 1.21
Module 1091:e2 not in pci option table, can't configure it
vga0 at pci0 slot 11
640x480 VGA, 16 colors
vga0: generic VGA driver

One other thing. The machine has a different SCSI controller
than the one which was originally shipped. It originally came
with an Adaptec SCSI controller, but it now has a QLogic controller

It's such a shame to see the resolution of a big Sony monitor set
to chunk-style VGA.

Please help.


Neil Heather
Received on Wed Mar 25 1998 - 02:06:08 NZST

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