Changing IP numbers / addresses

From: Kevin Maguire <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 14:27:47 +0000 (GMT)


Due to some network reorganization I will have to change the IP number
of a variety of Digital Unix machines, and in some cases change the
name as well. This is planned for about 3 weeks away, but I want to
be prepared!! Is there a simple utility I can use to do this, and are
there any other issues which I need to consider (involving
re-configure some other software perhaps).

   /\___/\    ==============================================
   | o o |    Kevin Maguire          Computational Scientist
  __\_^_/__   DCI                  CLRC Daresbury Laboratory
 (__/   \__)  e-mail:           
  _|  :  |_   Tel: 01925 603221            Fax: 01925 603634
 (__\___/__)  ==============================================
Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 15:30:41 NZST

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