SUMMARY: Who is doing action in NSR notifications ?

From: Daniel Clar <>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 08:33:04 +0200

The original posting was :

>I'm using Networker 4.4 on DU 4.0b and I want to modify some notifications
>actions and in particular to do some actions needing some privielges (so as
>The first question could be :
>who is sending mail in a command as "/usr/bin/mailx -s "server's tape mount
>request 1" root ?
>It seems to me that it's "nobody".
>How to manage so that the user sending mail could be root ? For me it won't
>bring some security hole as the corresponding action could be done only
>within Networker events notfiication.

I've found the solution by myself but the guess was almost good.

When you send an e-mail, the user within sendmail is nobody for
comprehensive security reasons. So when a script is executed, it's done by
nobody who has no privilege at all, even when root is sending the e-mail.

So to resolve my NSR problem, the solution is to replace

"/usr/bin/mailx -s "server's tape mount request 1" by
"/usr/opt/..../script" where script is owned by root and executable by root
only. In the script , it's possible to add the mailx command before doing
something else.


| Daniel Clar e-mail : |
| Computer Operations Manager : |
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Received on Tue Mar 31 1998 - 08:39:47 NZST

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