fatal XIO error with CDE calendar manager

From: Giorgio Pastore <pastore_at_ts.infn.it>
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1998 19:25:45 +0200

Dear Managers,

one of our users reported a trouble with the CDE calendar manager.
When he tries to "open" the calendar, the window appears but completely

The problem is not related to his database (other users can read it without
problems) and remains even if dtcm is directly launched by a terminal window.

Actually, after launching dtcm the system goes for a while using CPU time for
the corresponding process and finally the application exits with the following
(funny) diagnostic:

XIO: fatal IO error 12 (no such error) on X server "x-dft3:0.0"
      after 640 requests (620 known processed) with 90 events remaining.

Similar "not-existing" IO error 12 is recorded in the errorlog files in the
.dt directory of the user.

We tried some obvious things like to restart the calendar or the inetd daemons
but without success.

Apparently, there is only one user with such a problem.

Any hint ?

Giorgio Pastore

Giorgio Pastore - Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica dell' Universita'
                  Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy
  phone : + 39 40 2240242 fax: + 39 40 224601
  e-mail: pastore_at_trieste.infn.it
Received on Tue Mar 31 1998 - 19:29:07 NZST

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