Hello system admins,
What a great list! Thanks very much to Parris Wood,
Charles Richmond, and Debra Alpert for their very rapid and
informative replies. There is more than one way to find your
BIND version. I used this command (suggested in all replies):
# strings /usr/sbin/named | grep named
I've included below most of the three replies I received, and
after that, my original question.
Paul Youngblood
From: "Parris B. Wood" <pwood_at_wilma.widomaker.com.>
There are three ways of finding out that I know of.
1.) You can strings the binary in /sbin until you see something
similar to this:
named 4.9.3-B17 Fri Nov 15 21:29:00 EST 1996
2.) Usually, named will report its version string in one of
the log files when inet serverices are started.
3.) The third method is to issue this command if named is running:
host -t txt -c chaos version.bind servername
This assumes the host program is installed on the machine
you're issuing the command from (should be). You can use
the above string to query the version from most
nameservers as well.
From: "Charles M. Richmond" <cmr_at_koibito.iisc.com>
If you do:
strings /usr/sbin/named | grep named
You will find the version in the output. As an example one 4.0B system
returns: " named 4.9.3-P1 Sat Mar 29 03:25:25 EST 1997 "
While another (modified) 4.0B system returns:
" " named 8.1.1 Mon Sep 1 12:40:18 EDT 1997
From: Debra Alpert <alpert_at_fas.harvard.edu>
Try running a strings on the named binary (/usr/sbin/named) and egrep'ing
for words like `version' or `revision.'
-------original question--------------original question-----------
Hello system admins,
Can anyone tell me how to find out what BIND version I am
currently running ? I have a 2100 running DU 4.0B and
have patched it with Patch Kit-0004.
Paul Youngblood
University of Alabama in Huntsville
email: youngbloodp_at_uah.edu
Received on Fri Apr 03 1998 - 20:47:22 NZST