SUMMARY: "DUMP: master/slave protocol botched"

From: Dan Kirkpatrick <>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 15:18:01 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks Bjorn for reminding me to do the summary!
I was waiting to hear from my collegue if it was resolved, but he hasn't
told me! I suspect He does have something in .login .cshrc or .profile
botching it...

Jim Belonis <>
for the following reply:

'protocol botched' usually means that rmt and dump are not communicating
Make sure
rsh <tape-machine> date
from the account running the dump command
gives the date and only the date.
If the .login or .cshrc or .profile cause any output in an rsh,
then dump will get confused.

Also, the device name indicates the tape machine is a Sun.
I don't know if the rmt is 100% compatible with SGI dump.

You might consider the twice-as-fast method which avoids rmt altogether.
Something like...
on the tape machine
rsh <disk-machine> dump <args> -f - <partition> | dd obs=<dump-block-size> of=/dev/nst0

As long as it is small enough to fit on a single tape, this works better.

> The following backup use to work a few days ago, but won't now...
> To my knowledge nothing has been changed.
> Does anyone recognize the error "master/slave protocol botched"???
> command:
> /sbin/dump 0ufB corvus:/dev/nst0 5000000 /home
> output:
> DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Apr 1 13:28:22 1998
> DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
> DUMP: Dumping /dev/hda6 (/home) to /dev/nst0 on host corvus
> DUMP: mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
> DUMP: mapping (Pass II) [directories]
> DUMP: estimated 32141 tape blocks on 0.01 tape(s).
> DUMP: dumping (Pass III) [directories]
> DUMP: master/slave protocol botched.
> DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted.
> - Dan Kirkpatrick - -
> | Systems Administrator |
> | Physics Department |
> | Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY |
> -------------------------------------------
Received on Wed Apr 08 1998 - 21:20:26 NZST

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